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 Kids Zone

This is a kid's paradise online. All things fun for kids and families for our town! features local news, kid friendly places to visit, events, activities and family related articles, classified ads, products for sale, reviews and more.

Send us photos of your kids, join our photo contests, send us your funny stories. We want to share them!

Be sure to take a moment to register a user account in order to participate in our site and to place your ads in any of our pages. Take time to get familiar with us and visit daily for the latest updates.


Games Zone Online Games
Fun games for toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age children.
Print Out Your Own Coloring Pages Free Coloring Pages
Print out free coloring pages.
Homework Help Homework Help
Can't figure it out? Get help here!
Crafts Zone Crafts 'n Stuff
Simple, fun crafting sites for all ages.
Educational Links Educational Links
Great sites for great minds.

Birthday Party Ideas

Birthday Ideas
Great party ideas

 Home Schooling

 Family Living


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