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Community Folk Art Ctr 
Address: 805 E Genesee St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-442-2230
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Erie Canal Museum 
Address: 318 Erie Blvd E
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-471-0593
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Everson Museum Of Art-syracuse 
Address: 401 Harrison St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-474-6064
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International Mask Puppet Msm 
Address: 518 Prospect Ave
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-426-8990
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Museum Of Science Technology 
Address: 500 S Franklin St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-425-9068
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Museum Of Science & Technology 
Address: 500 S Franklin St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-425-9068
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Onondaga Museum/research Ctr 
Address: 321 Montgomery St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-428-1864
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Su Art Galleries 
Address: Shaffer Art Bldg
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-443-4097
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Walter Miller Antique Auto 
Address: 6710 Brooklawn Pkwy
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-432-8282
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