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Car Wash & Upholstery:

Ace Auto Trim 
Address: 212 State Fair Blvd
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-472-7864
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Bubble Up Car Wash 
Address: 6203 S Salina St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-399-4211
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Bubble-up Car Wash 
Address: 3512 W Genesee St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-701-1026
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Butler's Auto Upholstery 
Address: 521 S West St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-488-6390
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Carrier Circle Car Wash 
Address: 6363 Thompson Rd
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-437-8773
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Crown Chem-dry Ii 
Address: 4900 Cornish Heights Pkwy
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-468-1206
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Delta Sonic Car Wash 
Address: 3720 Brewerton Rd
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-455-5382
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Delta Sonic Car Wash 
Address: 3439 Erie Blvd E
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-251-0605
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Dewitt Car Wash Detail Ctr 
Address: 3474 Erie Blvd E
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-446-2771
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Address: 400 Erie Blvd E
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-478-1535
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Horizon Car Wash 
Address: 203 S Bay Rd
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-458-1740
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Imperial Cleaning Svc 
Address: 229 N Lowell Ave
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-475-7919
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Lakeland Touchless Car Wash 
Address: 869 State Fair Blvd
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-708-0359
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North Salina Car Wash 
Address: 1600 N Salina St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-475-1610
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Onsyr Inc 
Address: 212 W Seneca Tpke
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-423-7702
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Parkway Car Wash 
Address: 2250 Park St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-474-1615
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Quik Car Care 
Address: 1600 Erie Blvd E
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-422-2422
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Secret Service Co 
Address: 121 Ashdale Ave
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-463-4519
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Sit-in Car Wash 
Address: 340 W Onondaga St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-476-7500
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Sparkle City Auto Wash 
Address: 4721 Onondaga Blvd
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-423-8025
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Sparkle City Auto Wash 
Address: 2425 Erie Blvd E
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-446-4110
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Splash N Dash Car Wash 
Address: 3835 S Salina St
City: Syracuse
Phone: 315-378-4465
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